Circulation Services

       From the left selections pane, you can choose & check the policies & rules of circulation, Fines, and Renewal processes in the Library.

Circulation PolicyFines PolicyRenewal Policy
  • The Library checks out books depending on Circulation Module.
  • NEVER allow another user to use your ID card, or borrow items for another person as you are responsible for the items borrowed using your ID.
  • Patrons who have a valid borrowing ID card with no fines and no overdue can borrow materials as mentioned below:
Patron Type Loan Period Maximum Books
Faculty member Two weeks 5
Part time faculty member One week 2
Undergraduate student One week 3
Postgraduate student Two weeks 4
Staff Two weeks 5

  • Students have to pay fines for overdue books otherwise their final grades will be blocked.
  • Late Return:
Item Fine per day after due date: L.E.  5
  • Lost Items: If the item is lost the charge will be:

    Fine charges + overhead charge (50 EGP) + replacement cost.

  • The Library will consider a Circulated Item “LOST” after 60 days overdue.
  • If a lost item is found within a year, only the replacement cost is refundable.
  • Books can be renewed on or before the due date from Sunday-Thursday (8:30 to 4:30 PM), unless there is no hold on the borrowed book in the following locations:
    1. Circulation Desk: either at the Main Library or Scientific Library.
    2. Send e-mail message with Subject “Renewal – Student ID” to Circulation Staff  from Sunday-Thursday (8:30 to 4:30 PM).
    3. My Library Account